Saturday, August 21, 2010

Swedish Fish...again. (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo)T

The Bookworm went to the redbox again!

So yesterday I was faced with a weekend of rain and plenty of reading to accomplish, and after my trip to Kroger to stock up on groceries, I made a detour to the redbox and checked out a couple of movies, one of which was the Swedish version of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. You'll remember I read the first two books in the series over the summer, and I recently found out that a version of the film had been made in Sweden already. I found it at redbox, yay!

So this afternoon, after I cleaned my apartment and finished reading The American Voter, I curled up in my papasan with some raspberry lemonade, hummus, and a toasty bagel to watch the movie. As it was rainy outside, and I was slightly sleepy, I turned off the subtitles and instead put the English dubbing on the movie. That was a bit disconcerting; none of the words matched the lips of the actors when they spoke.

Otherwise, the movie was awesome! I definitely wouldn't watch it without reading the books first, because obviously the books are just so much better and you wouldn't want to ruin it. But it was a great film, and did follow the events of the book fairly closely. Obviously there is more exposition in the books so it's a bit easier to follow, and not as much emphasis is placed on the Wennerstrom affair in the movie. Other than those minor quibbles, I would say rent it.

Until next time, Happy Reading (and movie watching)!

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