Friday, November 19, 2010

The Beginning of the End (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I)

The bookworm went to the movies!

Anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE Harry Potter. I've been reading HP since I was 11 (half my life) and I feel that I grew up with Harry, Hermione, and Ron. I was at the midnight releases for the last three books, and most of the midnight releases for the movies. So obviously I had to go last night when Deathly Hallows was released.

In my opinion (and we all know I have one), this was the best of the films. I have a few minor critiques that I'm not even sure are worth mentioning. My only real problem was with the handling of the way Harry was moved from Privet Drive to the Burrow. In the book, it was a huge deal that they would be breaking Lily's protective charm when Harry and the Dursley's parted ways. The emphasis in the movie was instead on the way the six decoys transformed into Harry. Although funny, I would have liked more emphasis on the actual fighting. Furthermore, they didn't go to any of the safe houses before taking portkeys to the Burrow (that's one of my minor critiques- it didn't bother me quite so much).

The film was as bleak as the book, and in many ways, a lot more shocking; seeing Charity Burbage suspended above Voldemort's table, then avada kedavra'd was intense. The other most shocking moment was seeing "mudblood" carved into Hermione's arm, and, of course, Dobby's death and Hedwig's death. And when Ron had to kill the was slightly disturbing.

Overall, this was a perfect way to start the end of Harry Potter. The last film comes out in seems like a long wait, doesn't it?

Until next time, everyone go watch HP, Happy Thanksgiving, and Happy Reading!

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